Several Videos for Discerning the Times we are in!!

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Brand New Video: Restoring Hope and Freedom to America!!

The following is a brand new video with a prophetic update for the times we are in: Scriptures Referenced: Isaiah 61, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:25, James 1:5, Matthew 24, Daniel 7:25, Deuteronomy 30:19, Jeremiah 6:14, Revelation 2:20-23, 1 Timothy 3: 1-9, Matthew 10:16, 2 Corinthians 11:4, 2 Timothy 1:7, Matthew 13:16, Ephesians 6:10-18, Psalm 91, Matthew 6:9-13, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 46:10, Philippians 4:8

How does Deliverance connect with the New Jesus Revolution Film?

What is deliverance?

Deliverance is salvation. The Greek word, “Soteria” denotes deliverance, preservation, and salvation. This word encompasses all the blessings bestowed by God on men in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Deliverance from evil spirits is a provision of the cross. Jesus defeated Satan, destroyed the works of the devil, and gave His followers power over all the power of the enemy. Deliverance is the way to inner healing. Christ provided it for this very purpose. –Frank Hammond

Lonnie Frisbee, who is played by Johnathan Roumie, in the Jesus Revolution film, deeply struggled in his life as he was abused at a very young age. Although he found Christ, he still struggled with addictions, relationships, rejections, etc..because the core wounds from his childhood were never healed, and he never received deliverance, until later in his life. He was deeply abused early in his life. My friend Nelson Schuman is a deliverance minister and he shares powerful words here:

Most Christians have been erroneously taught that when they ask Jesus to come into their hearts that they are automatically saved and cannot have demons affecting them.  This is when it begins for a person to then start pursuing the process of getting healed from their past soul wounds and delivered from the demons tormenting their souls. Unfortunately most Christians think they are good to go and just need to read the Bible and pursue the gifts of tongues, prophecy, etc but most will struggle to live a life evident of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) with love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

Most continue to struggle with fear, anger, sexual impurity, jealousy, strife, wrath, taking an offense and behave much like the world.  That is why church goers don’t look much different from the world.  It explains why the divorce rate is the same amongst those attending church and those who don’t attend. It explains why most churches are a mess. Demons can only affect a human if they have legal rights through sin, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, generational curses, witchcraft curses, etc. The Lord looks upon our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 17:10) and if we have evil or impure intentions of our flesh and then we see the corresponding evil fruit in our lives on a consistent basis then Galatians 5:21 says that we will not inherit the kingdom of God.  A real Christian actually has proof with the fruit of their lives every day.  They actually treat their spouse and children with love, care, gentleness, patience and are good to them. Therefore they must get their past wounds healed and then command the demons to go.

When a child gets wounded by harsh or negative words from a parent, step parent or anyone else in life, or gets ignored by a parent, then they will hear demonic voices their entire lives until they have gone through inner healing and deliverance.  Their soul (mind, will and emotions) are infected by those traumas and wounds and they will hear demonic voices in their heads that sound like their own thoughts but is not.  The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 that found that people could have 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of those thoughts were negative and 95% were repetitive thoughts of the day before.  These thoughts are demonic and until the person gets their soul wounds healed by Jesus they will be tormented their entire lives.  That is why so many church goers struggle in their lives to see much fruit of the spirit within them.

So since we live on earth, and demons are able to rule the world, then people will be hurt by other people who were hurt which causes wounds in their souls and then demons attach to those wounds and cause people to manifest with fear, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, manic episodes, triggered from their past soul wounds. 

So it is essential that EVERYONE on earth pursue getting their past soul wounds healed by Jesus and then commanding their demons to be gone, otherwise they will struggle with hearing demonic spirits, being addicted to alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex, food, etc. and never become the true Christian that Jesus talks about as their fruit will be tainted.  I know of so many people in the church who can pray in tongues, prophesy, sing, and have many other godly talents but simply cannot live a godly life, have a good heart or pure mind, and rarely see any fruit of the spirit evident in their lives.

Many Christians think that they are saved as soon as they ask Jesus into their hearts but if they don’t ever produce any godly fruit (and I am not talking about doing works for many people who are evil in their hearts will do works that look good in front of the public or the church) then that explains Matthew 7:15-23.

So many people who have actually gotten their past soul wounds healed through having Jesus allow them to see why the people who had hurt them in their lives were also hurt themselves as the Lord showed them those who hurt them from His perspective, and then they could forgive them from their hearts, humble themselves from their pride and then they repented for their own sin and commanded their demons to go.  They all agreed that they were not truly saved until after their inner healing and deliverance.  At that point their lives truly changed and they could actually see godly fruit of the spirit evident in their lives.

So all of us have been hurt and wounded in one way or another, either through our parents, siblings, friends, enemies and our own sins that we committed, which give legal rights to demons to torment us.  Until we go through deliverance we will continue to hear demonic voices in our thoughts and see images, trigger on other people and it will be very challenging to have good fruit in our lives.  When we truly are honest, forgive all who ever hurt us, repent for our pride and sins and command the demons to go from us we will be able to have such joy and freedom like we have never experienced before in our lives.

“Come out in Jesus Name,” is a film about deliverance that will be in 2,000 theaters in the United States, one day only: March 13th, 2023!!

The reason deliverance is so important, is Lonnie Frisbee finally found freedom towards the end of this life. He was given a roadmap for healing, deliverance, and freedom that he needed earlier in his life. He repented and got right with the Lord, before he passed away. Because of a life of serious abuse in childhood, he sought some things in life, that de-railed his ministry!! His life was cut short and he gives a warning in his book, “Set Free,” that the wages of sin is death!! In his own words, he speaks about this in the book, and in the quote below:


Here I share on You Tube:

Or you can hear it as a podcast:

Thank you for reading!! The Lord Bless you!! Much Love, Michele Denman

Many Miracles are Here!!

Here is a powerful video (only 35 seconds) on both Rumble and You tube, of how people were actually saved on the Jesus Revolution Film set!!

It’s amazing to see God fulfill His Words!! When He gave me this word last year, I had no idea how it would come about, but it has, and here it is!! ALL GLORY TO GOD!! What’s amazing about this film, “Jesus Revolution,” is that it is real!! It is not hype!! If you hear in the clip above, people were actually getting saved on the set!! The extras that were in the film, were getting baptized, and actually got saved!! That is truly a MIRACLE!! Only GOD!!

The other powerful thing about this story is that Lonnie Frisbee, who is the human instrument that God used to ignite this revival in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, came from a very difficult background. He was greatly abused as a child and that caused him to suffer so much in his life. Even though he was saved, he never fully received the healing and deliverance that he needed. That, in itself, is a tragedy but there’s so much that we can learn from this story. I love this quote below from Jennifer Miskov:

The leaders around him, “loved” the gifting, but they may have not understood how to deal with the trauma he endured. This is still very true in the church today. There is a definite lack of understanding of severe abuse or even trauma. There are special ministries that do address this, however, so that is the Grace of God!! Tonight, I heard Johnathan Roumie, who plays Lonnie in the film, speak about him. I could definitely feel that Johnathan had captured the heart of him so that made me very happy!! 

The irony of the time of the late 1960’s and early 70’s, is that it is very similar culturally, to where we are right now. Lonnie had been searching in his life for purpose and meaning and he sought the new age, and the occult, and he looked into the eastern religions!! He turned to drugs and many other addictions, and it wasn’t until he found Christ, that he found meaning and purpose in life. We see a very strong similarity to that time right now with the influx of false religions, the new age, and still the occult, especially in California. California is where the Jesus People Movement began in the late 60’s and early 70’s. This is truly time for a revolution.

Here the director of the film, Jon Erwin, is holding, Time Magazine from 1971, that clearly states, “The Jesus Revolution!!”

Here we are again!!

The film is in theaters now!!

Here is the word from December 8th, 2022:


Freedom’s Song!! I heard bells ringing in Heaven, and I heard the Lord say, “It’s time to sing your song.” If you have a song or an instrument, it’s time to play!! The Brave Warriors will arise now with a new song in their heart, for the LORD has given them a new song to sing!! “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in Him.” –Psalm 40:3

Great deliverance shall come as we hear these songs, and minstrels will play a new SOUND!! A SOUND from HEAVEN, that will break the barrier of noise we have been in!! FOR A NEW SOUND SHALL BREAK THROUGH TO break the mind control and chatter and people will sing again, dance again, and be free again, says the LORD OF HOSTS!! Get ready to dance to FREEDOM’s song for a Revolution of God’s Love will hit the airwaves. Some will call it, “The Jesus Revolution,” others will call it Revival, but it will be a move of the Spirit, unlike ever seen before!!

Get ready, gird your loins, there will be Mass Salvations, and deliverance will be the norm. People will say, “That can only be God!!” For the JOY of the LORD IS your strength and your song will give a HOPE and a renewed optimism to a world in grief. Get ready, Children of GOD!! “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceiveth; the things the LORD has prepared for those that Love Him!!” –1 COR 2:9 -Scribed by Michele Denman on December 8th, 2022.

Prophetic Words Fulfilled: 2 More Words get Fulfilled from the Prophetic Update 2023!!

The Lord confirms 2 of His Words from my Prophetic Update 2023, which can be found on You Tube and as a Podcast!! Both of His Words about Hollywood and Media, were confirmed in the Media!! He said it would happen fast!! To hear the word about Hollywood, hear Part 1:

He also confirmed with the word about Media that occurred less than 2 days after the Prophetic Word was given and you can hear that here, Part 2:

These are all Powerful Signs that the Lord is indeed moving, even in Culture!! He has an answer and a solution to all that we are facing!! He is bringing great Restoration in the Spirit and Power of Elijah (see Malachi 4:5-6) He always has a HOPE and PROMISE for a world in need!! Amen!! 😀

If you would like to listen to these as a Podcast, here is Part 1:

And here is Part 2:

The Original Prophetic Update is called, “Prophetic Update 2023,”; Praise the Lord!! 😀

Brand New Prophetic Update for 2023!!

The following video was made on January 11th, 2023 and the Lord highlights a shaking that is coming to Hollywood!! We just heard tonight about the passing of Lisa Marie Presley, which is very sad. The Lord is giving us warnings for 2023, to get our hearts right with God. We are in an urgent time in the world and only Jesus Christ can save us!! This isn’t about religion, a man-made tradition, but a direct relationship with Jesus Christ!! It is simply asking Him to come into your heart and save you!! He will, by that simple request. Meet with Him today, eternity is at stake!! He loves you, with an everlasting love!! Amen!! 😀 Please hear video below: